
Nutritional Counseling & Weight Loss for Adults


  • 90 minute Video Call
  • Full Medical History
  • Individualized Meal and Lifestyle Plan
  • Lab Work Interpretation
  • Supplement Consultation
  • Follow-up 30 minute Video Call

Cost: $295

Nutritional Counseling for Children


  • 75 minute Video Call
  • Full Medical History
  • Individualized Meal and Lifestyle Plan
  • Lab Work Interpretation
  • Supplement Consultation
  • Follow-up 30 minute Video Call

Cost: $225

Follow-up Nutritional Counseling Sessions

40 minute Video Call

Cost: $95

60 minute Video Call

Cost: $125

Mental Field Technique

Get to the energetic root cause of any issue or illness in one session with this innovative technique developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D. Discovering what your body is holding on to will greatly speed healing and often achieve amazing results!

Cost: $195 for 75 minutes

Facet Integration Session
For those who want support integrating trauma whilst working through Uncaged: Trauma Recovery Using Facet Integration Technique. 
Cost: $195 for 75 minutes